To modify the format of a database field on a Microsoft Word user document, field switches are used.  Below is a list of the most commonly used switches.  More options and details can be found here.

ALT+F9 will toggle hide/display field formats.  Use ALT+F9 to enter the field switch mode in Word.  

CTRL+F9 will Add  { } to a field. These brackets are used to designate field and their corresponding switches. CTRL+F9 must be used to add a bracket pair (the "{" and "}" keys on your keyboard will not work).


January 1, 2015 { DATE \@ “MMMM d, yyyy” \* MERGEFORMAT } 
12/25/15   { DATE \@ “MM/dd/yy” \* MERGEFORMAT }
For Blank Dates w/time{ if { MERGEFIELD JobDueDate }="12:00:00 AM" "" "{ MERGEFIELD JobDueDate \@ "MM/DD/YY" \* MERGEFORMAT }"}
For Blank Dates w/o time{ if { MERGEFIELD JobDueDate }="01/01/0001" "" "{ MERGEFIELD JobDueDate \@ "MM/DD/YY" \* MERGEFORMAT }"}
Standard{ MERGEFIELD Size }
Text if other has value{ If { MERGEFIELD Size } = “” “” “Size:” }
Field if other has value{ If { MERGEFIELD Size } = “” “” “{ MERGEFIELD Size }” }
Numeric Fields 
w/ commas{ MERGEFIELD Q1PartQuantity \# #,### }
w/o commas{ MERGEFIELD Q1PartQuantity \# #### }
w/ $ and commas { MERGEFIELD Q1PartQuotePrice \# $#,### }
w/ $, commas , cents { MERGEFIELD Q1PartQuotePrice \# $#,###.00 }
Blank if other has no value{ If { MERGEFIELD Q1PartQuotePrice } = “0” “” “{  MERGEFIELD Q1PartQuotePrice \# $#,### }”}
Subtotal{ If { MERGEFIELD Q1PartQuantity } = “0” “” “{  MERGEFIELD Q1PartQuotePrice \# $#,###.00}”}
Sales Tax { If { MERGEFIELD Q1PartQuantity } = “0” “” “{={  MERGEFIELD Q1PartQuotePrice}*0.07 \# $#,###.00}”}
Total  { If { MERGEFIELD Q1PartQuantity } = “0” “” “{={  MERGEFIELD Q1PartQuotePrice}*1.07 \# $#,###.00}”}
Repeat all for next section{ NEXT }