Basis Weight:Weight (in pounds) of a ream of paper (500 sheets) in the basic size for that grade.  See also M Weight.
Caliper:Thickness of the stock.

Contribution:Labor AbsorbedLabor Direct
Cost per additional 1000:Cost to produce an additional 1000 pieces based on specs. Does not include fixed costs i.e. prep, plates, makeready, etc.

Cost per 1000:Cost to produce 1000 finished pieces based on given specification.

Credit Available:Credit Limit (defined in Customer File) + (Cash on Account) – (Accounts Receivable Invoice Balances) – (Uninvoiced portion of Jobs open in Job Control)

Cuts per Lift:Number of times the blade comes down to cut and/or trim stock before the complete lift is removed from the cutter.

Cut:Cut and removal of the lift amount of paper.

% Coverage:The average coverage of each ink to the total areas of the run sheet. If two sides are printed, use cumulative average of both sides.

Direction Changes:The number of times paper changes direction during a folding operation. Minimum is 1. 

Efficiency %:Standard Hours / (Charged Hours + Non-Charged HoursNon-Measured Hours)

Form:A job segment having distinct colors per side, size, press, paper, or quantity. Ex. A book cover can be a form separate from the text sheets. It is possible to combine several forms in one form calculation, provided the quantity and number of colors and sides is the same. It is necessary to complete all calculations for one printing form before entering the next set.

Gross Pounds:Equal to total weight of all paper including spoilage.

# Idents:The number of signatures or "runs" having the same paper, size and press, etc. #Idents acts as a multiplier for sets of plates, press runs, bindery, etc. The normal number of idents = 1 when no "repeats" are needed for the job.

Labor Absorbed:Total actual labor costs reported to a job using operation hourly rates.  See also Labor Direct and Contribution.
Labor Direct:Total actual labor costs reported to a job using specific employee hourly rates.  See also Labor Absorbed and Contribution.
# Leaves:Number of leaves or sheets of paper (not pages) in the finished book.

Lifts per Cut:Refers to the number of lifts in a cutter at one time before a cut is made.

Lock Rates:Retain original rates for a saved estimate, regardless of subsequent operation rate changes.

M%:Markup % which is added to the amount for a specific purchase or material operation. Note: An additional markup for all materials, a markup for all purchases, and a markup for all paper may also be specified for the entire estimate.

M Weight:Actual weight of 1000 sheets of any given size of paper.  See also Basis Weight.
Net Pounds:Gross pounds less all spoilage.

Non-Charged (N/C) Hours:Total reported hours NOT charged to a production job

Non-Measured (N/M) Hours:Total hours where no efficiency could be calculated because: reported operation has no production standard, or; no quantity was reported, or; calculated efficiency exceeds user defined cut-off

Non-Perfector:A press that requires a minimum of one pass per printed side of a sheet.  See also Perfector and Single Pass.
Order Length (Paper):Dimensions of parent sheet.

Order Width (Paper):Dimensions of parent sheet.

# Out:The number of finished pieces on press sheet. Same as # on.

Pack Lbs for #Pages:MWt/1000 * Quantity * (# Pages for Pack Wt)/ 2 * (finished size) / (run size) + Lbs of Ink + Lbs of Packing Material

# Pages for Pack Wt:Pages to use to calculate packing weight.  See also Pack Lbs for # Pages.
Perfector:A press that can print both sides of a sheet in one pass.  See also Non-Perfector and Single Pass.
Pre-Press:Refers to cuts made before the press run.

Press Sheets Out:The number of press sheets taken out of parent (order) sheet. For 13 x 20 press sheet out of 20 x 26, Press Sheets Out = 2.

Post-Press:Refers to cuts made after the press run.

Pounds per Lift:Total weight of paper that can be lifted into the cutter in one lift.

Rate $:Represents all-inclusive budgeted rate for labor, or cost per unit of measure for material.

Route:Recurring combination of operations saved for easy entry.  Also allows predefined units for relevant operations.

Sheetwise:To print one side of a sheet of paper with one plate, then turn the sheet over and print the other side with another plate using the same gripper and opposite side guide.

Single Pass:Used for operations requiring a single pass, regardless of colors.  Ex. Varnishing or Scoring.  See also Perfector and Non-Perfector.
Standard Hours:Quantity / Production Standard

Travel Inches:Dimension of sheet to be folded riding along the belt.

Trim:Refers to trimming finished sheets on books.

Units:Number of production pieces i.e. plates, makereadies, gross run sheets, pounds of ink, etc.

Value Added $:Selling price less cost of material, paper and outside purchases.

Value Added %:Value Added $ divided by selling price x 100.

# Webs:The number of rolls being fed into the press at one time.

Work and Tumble:To print on side of a sheet of paper, then turn it over from gripper to back using the same side guide and plate to print the second side.

Work and Turn:To print one side of a sheet of paper, then turn it over from left to right and print the second side using the same gripper and plate but opposite side guide.