This tab is available when the Shipping Module is active.

Ship Description: Defaults to the Job Description.
Shipping Carrier & Method: Select the carrier and corresponding method of shipment. Standard carrier options are managed in Shipping Tables. User defined "Other" methods are managed Shared Tables (Ship Via).
Shipped By: User creating the shipment. Can default automatically to current Presidio user if Employee has "Associated Login" in Shared Tables Employee.
Use 3rd Party: Currently flag used only for informational purposes.
Ship Quantity: Total number of units to be delivered in this shipment
Full Qty Per (Package Details): Number of units per full package (carton, box, etc.). Enter this value after entering total Ship Quantity to automatically calculate count of full and partial cartons.
Print: When a shipment is saved, the print button will display a list of all available shipping documents (labels, packing slips, delivery receipts, etc.).
Tracking #: Automatically populates when integrated with FedEx or UPS. Track button will direct user to the corresponding website for current package status.
Delivery Date & Signed for by: Automatically populates when integrated with FedEx or UPS after selected the Update button (or via batch update from shipping list).
Bill-To Tab: Bill-to address information for this shipment. Can be set to default from job under system settings.
Ship-To Tab: Ship-to address information for this shipment. Can be set to default from job under system settings.
Other Tab: Other address information for this shipment. Can be set to default from job under system settings.
Labels: Shipments can include individual sets of user defined label fields available to be printed on shipping documents.