Presidio Estimate can calculate individual spoilage for each production step. The calculation calculates backwards from the final delivery quantity to determine the run requirements for each step in the entire process. The spoilage percent calculates how many units need to be run to net the desired amount. Gross = Net / (1-Spoilage%) Below are some examples:
Example 1: Single Pass on Press 1up
Delivery Quantity: 5000
MR Sheets 200
Press Impressions 6167
Press Gross Run Sheets 6167 =5668/(.95) + 200 MR (if run MR option on) STEP 6
Press Spoil % 5%
Press Delivery Sheets 5668 =5593 (Fold Gross) + 75 (Fold MR) STEP 5
Fold MR 75
Fold Gross Qty 5593 =5313/(.95) STEP 4
Fold Spoil % 5%
Fold Deliver (Net) 5313 =5263 (Stitch Gross) + 50 (Stitch MR) STEP 3
Stitch MR 50
Stitch Gross Qty 5263 = 5000/(.95) STEP 2
Stitch Spoil % 5%
Stitch Deliver (Net) 5000 =Delivery Quantity (Form Quantity) STEP 1
Example 2: Single Pass on Press 2up
Delivery Quantity: 5000
MR Sheets 200
Press Impressions 3184
Press Gross Run Sheets 3184 =2834/(.95) + 200 MR (if run MR option on) STEP 6
Press Spoil % 5%
Press Delivery Sheets 2834 =(5593 (Fold Gross) + 75 (Fold MR)) / 2 STEP 5
Fold MR 75
Fold Gross Qty 5593 =5313/(.95) STEP 4
Fold Spoil % 5%
Fold Deliver (Net) 5313 =5263 (Stitch Gross) + 50 (Stitch MR) STEP 3
Stitch MR 50
Stitch Gross Qty 5263 = 5000/(.95) STEP 2
Stitch Spoil % 5%
Stitch Deliver (Net) 5000 =Delivery Quantity (Form Quantity) STEP 1
Example 3: Two Pass on Press 1up
Delivery Quantity: 5000
MR Sheets 200
Press Impressions 12449 =5967 (pass 2) + 6282 (pass 1) + 200 MR STEP 7
Press Gross Run Sheets 6482 =(5668/.95)/.95 + 200 MR (if run MR option on) STEP 6
Press Spoil % 5%
Press Delivery Sheets 5668 =5593 (Fold Gross) + 75 (Fold MR) STEP 5
Fold MR 75
Fold Gross Qty 5593 =5313/(.95) STEP 4
Fold Spoil % 5%
Fold Deliver (Net) 5313 =5263 (Stitch Gross) + 50 (Stitch MR) STEP 3
Stitch MR 50
Stitch Gross Qty 5263 = 5000/(.95) STEP 2
Stitch Spoil % 5%
Stitch Deliver (Net) 5000 =Delivery Quantity (Form Quantity) STEP 1
Example 4: Two Pass on Press 2up
Delivery Quantity: 5000
MR Sheets 200
Press Impressions 6326 =3142 (pass 2) + 2984 (pass 1) + 200 MR STEP 7
Press Gross Run Sheets 3342 =(2834/.95)/.95 + 200 MR (if run MR option on) STEP 6
Press Spoil % 5%
Press Delivery Sheets 2834 =(5593 (Fold Gross) + 75 (Fold MR)) / 2 STEP 5
Fold MR 75
Fold Gross Qty 5593 =5313/(.95) STEP 4
Fold Spoil % 5%
Fold Deliver (Net) 5313 =5263 (Stitch Gross) + 50 (Stitch MR) STEP 3
Stitch MR 50
Stitch Gross Qty 5263 = 5000/(.95) STEP 2
Stitch Spoil % 5%
Stitch Deliver (Net) 5000 =Delivery Quantity (Form Quantity) STEP 1