Special Instructions: Used to enter general free-form instructions for the estimate. Default Special Instructions can be saved for each Customer in the CRM. Special instructions can be set to print on the job ticket.

Notes: This optional tab is used to enter information that will not print on the job ticket. This tab is activated from a Misc Tab under System Settings.

Markups: The Markup Tab displays the current markup percentages being applied to the estimate:


The percentages will default to the house standard markups defined in Estimate System Settings unless the customer has their own markup percentages saved in the CRM.  The markups can be adjusted by quantity and type.  The propagate check box will apply a change to any cell to all rightward cells in the same row.  A red indicator will appear in any cell that contains an override.  The Restore Markup buttons will undo any changes and return the grid to the Standard and/or Customer markups.  
NOTE: The image above is when the "Use Overall Detail" option on the System Settings Estimate Tab is activated.  The "House MU" and "Commission" lines sum to create the Overall Markup percentage.  The "Commission" line values are omitted from the estimated profit and value added.

Summary: The Estimate Summary Tab includes details of all active parts and forms on a single screen:

Estimate Summary

The total time, cost and sell can being viewed by Cost Center or Department by selecting the radio button in the upper right. Each Quantity can be reviewed using the radio button to the left of each listed quantity. An adjustment to the total sell price can be made by clicking the Sell $ box. The Part and Form tree can be used to activate/deactivate individual parts or forms and will immediately display the corresponding figures. The "Closed" check box is to remove an estimate from your open list.

Attachment: Files can be associated with an Estimate on the Attachment Tab.  Right-click to add a new file.  Files can be selected by browsing your network or using Template Attachments for commonly used documents or forms.  Files are referenced on the Attachment Tab; they are not actually stored in your Presidio database.  The attachment is like a shortcut to the file.  For this reason, files should be stored in a centralized location available for all users that will require access to the files.