The Customer Info Tab displays important customer information related to the Estimate:

P.O.#: Used to enter the customer's supplied PO#

User Fields: 3 fields are available for use in conjunction with the CRM system.  These fields are defined in System Settings Misc tab.  Once defined, each customer record that contains data in the fields will display on the Customer Info tab for all estimates (and jobs) for that customer.  The example below uses "+/- Tolerance", "Credit Note" and "Vertical".

Prev E#: When an estimate originated via "Save As", the original source estimate is referenced here.

Contacts & Addresses: A primary Bill-To, Ship-To and Other address can be selected or typed in.  Customers can have default Bill-To and Ship-To addresses that can be used on new estimates and jobs.  The ship to address is used to note a primary address.  Job Control's Shipping tab allows unlimited shipments. To permanently add a new Contact or Address to the CRM system, use the white page button next to the Bill-To pull-down menus.  The "Clear" button can be used to reset all fields for new entry. The email address can be entered/edited by right-clicking.  Standard left-clicking on the email address will initiate a new email message (if using Outlook or other compatible email application).

Estimate Customer Info