The invoicing tab will reflect options based on the invoicing method you will be using in your plant.

Edit Detail Items: QuickBooks requires each invoiced part to be associated with a QuickBooks item. Click the "Edit Detail Items" button to define matching items to be used for invoicing (right-click to create new). Once an item is defined, job categories can be associated with items so new invoices will default parts to the corresponding item. "Use for Unassigned" can be selected by right-clicking on an item after it's been defined. This will be the default item when not category association is found. "Use for Shipping" will be the item that the shipping amount will be assigned to during export. "Excl from Amount" allows certain items from being included in the job invoice total for sales reporting (postage, for example).
Values to be added to the Invoice Item Description: Part fields and labels that can be selected to appear in the invoice item description.
Invoice# assigned by Presidio: this activates auto-numbering. To set the numbering seed, select the company from the main system tab. QuickBooks invoicing supports multi-company file integration. Each company file is referenced and number seed defined on the main system tab.
Use Job# as Invoice#: This option will set the QuickBooks invoice number to match the job number. This is not recommended if multiple invoices may be created for a single job.
Hide Blank Values: Option to omit label captions when value is empty.
Close Job when invoice status is Final: This option will automatically close jobs for all final invoices when the update pending invoices process is run.
Save Job# to Other: Option to write the job number to the QuickBooks invoice "Other" field.
Change Job Status when Invoice is Exported: used to automatically update status of job during the export invoice to QuickBooks process (to "Billing" for example). A pull-down window will appear to make a selection when this box is checked.
Set new invoice status to: Invoices in QuickBooks can be set to "Pending" or "Final". Pending is a convenient was to find a list of automatically generated invoices that require review before approval. If invoices do not need review they can be set to "Final".
Customer Address Mapping: Presidio organizes contact information in individual fields (street, city, etc.). QuickBooks uses five generic lines that are not required to follow a predefined pattern. The address mapping settings provide control over how contact information will appear when sent to QuickBooks.

Automatic Status Change: This option will updated the status of a job when invoiced and posted in Legacy A/R to the status designated. DO NOT set the status to "Closed" or "Multiple".
Summary Tab Invoice List: Option to hide the Invoice Total column. This should be checked if multiple jobs ever appear on a single invoice. When multiple jobs are invoiced together, the total will be misleading if it appears on each job.
Values to be added to Invoice: List of user defined Labels (Caption and Part Value) to select which fields appear on invoices.