Estimates the cost and time of an operation based on user defined column selection that varies setup minutes and speed with quantity breaks.

Operation Setup Requirements:
  1. Description
  2. Rate: Cost per hour
  3. Sell $ use: Markup % (recommended) or alternate sell rate
  4. Calc: 25
  5. Sub Key: Labor
  6. Minimum Charge: Option to define minimum dollar charge
  7. Unit of Measure: Unit
  8. Column Label: Variable that estimator will select to choose corresponding specifications
  9. Grid Quantity Column: Used to set quantity breaks for UPH adjustments
  10. Column Headers: Used to describe column
  11. Grid Data: Enter the setup minutes, rate and speed (for each quantity break) for each defined column

Estimate Specification Input Prompts:

  1. Minimum Charge
  2. Number Out
  3. User defined pull-down menu (column selector)
  4. Units
  5. Setup Minutes
  6. Units/Hr
  7. J%
  8. Remarks
  9. Memo

Units (if last bindery operation) = (Estimate Quantity / Number Out) x Idents
Units (if not last bindery operation) = ((Next Bindery Gross Qty + Next Bindery MR Qty) / Number Out) x Idents
Run Time = Units / UPH
Total Time = Run Time + Setup Time
Total Time x Rate $ = Cost $
Cost $ x Markup % = Markup $
Cost $ + Markup $ = Sell $