Estimates the cost and time of labor by the square inch. Commonly used for Large Format estimates. A translation from square feet per hour (or minute) to minutes per square inch may be required to setup.
Operation Setup Requirements:
- Description
- Rate: Cost per hour
- Sell $ use: Markup % (recommended) or alternate sell rate
- Calc: 13
- Sub Key: Labor
- Setup Time per Unit: Minutes for each unit
- One Time Setup: Base setup minutes
- Time per Square inch: Minutes for each square inch
- Time per M: Option to make time per 1000 units
- Calculate Add/M: Option to calculate additional thousand cost
- Set Units to Quantity Option
- Set size to: Zero (editable), Form Run Size or Form Finish Size
Estimate Specification Input Prompts:
1. Length x Width (inches). Not editable if set to form run size or finish size
2. Units
3. J%
4. Remarks
5. Memo
Length x Width = Square Inches per Unit
Units x Square Inches per Unit = Total Square Inches
(Base Setup Min) + (Units x Min per Unit) + (Total Sq Inches x Min per Square Inch) = Total Min
If Time per M option selected, divide Total Min by 1000
(Total Minutes / 60) x J% = Estimated Hours
Estimated Hours x Rate = Cost $
Cost $ x Markup % = Markup $
Cost $ + Markup $ = Sell $