Estimates ink cost by % coverage or price per thousand press run sheets.

Operation Setup Requirements:

  1. Description
  2. Rate: Cost per unit (per pound or per 1000 sheets)
  3. Sell $ use: Markup % (recommended) or alternate sell rate
  4. Calc: 12
  5. Sub Key: Material
  6. MSI Coverage/LB at 100%: Used by % coverage method. Number of thousand square inches of coverage per pound of ink for Coated and Non-Coated papers.
  7. Ink Calc: Exact or round up (to nearest pound or nearest thousand sheets)
  8. Default Calc Method: % coverage (both sides combined) or /M sheets
  9. Minimum Units of Ink: Option for minimum pounds or thousand sheets
  10. Default % Coverage: new estimates will default to this percentage, can be changed on each estimate

Estimate Specification Input Prompts:

  1. Cost Code: % coverage or /M sheets
  2. Sides (% coverage method only)
  3. % Coverage (% coverage method only)
  4. Units: Calculated Pounds or thousand sheets adjusted for minimum or round up options
  5. M%: Additional Markup %
  6. $ Rate: Rate per unit (pound or thousand sheets)
  7. Remarks
  8. Memo


  If % Cover Method:

Ink Units (Pounds) = (Gross Run Sheets x Run Size x Sides x % Coverage) / MSI Coverage/LB

If /M Sheets Method:

Ink Units (thousand sheets) = Gross Run Sheets / 1000

Ink Units x $ Rate = Ink Cost $

Ink Cost $ x Markup % = Markup $

Ink Cost $ + Markup $ = Sell $